CQ Package Manager

CQ Maintenance

Package Manager


  • CQ data can be migrated/moved from one CQ instance to another CQ instance using CQ Packages.
  • CQ Package is essentially a zip file with additional mata data.
  • Package Manager is Management Console for Managing CQ Packages.
  • Package Manager provide various options including create, update, install, uninstall, delete of CQ Packages.

Working with CQ Packages using Package Manager:

  • In order to create CQ Package, First Login in to CRX using HOST:PORT/crx/explorer/index.jsp.
  • You can "also" go to package manager from CQ welcome screen and then click on packages
  • Then go to HOST:PORT/crx/packmgr/index.jsp
  • To create package click on create package
  • Give Package name, Version and Group
  • Once Package is created you can click on edit and select resource you want to include to package using filter
  • Once all filters are selected, click on ok and then click on build package
  • This will build package with all content you selected in filter section
  • Once package is created, Go can select various options available in package manager
  • You can download this package in your file system and migrate to any other environment.
  • You can use upload package to install package to other environment.

Detail information about package manager can be obtained from Here

Curl command to manage packages:

CQ Provide HTTP service for administrator to manage packages.

Curl command Detail Here

Content Update Using curl Detail Here