CQ Configure Multiple Replication Agent

CQ Replication

Configure Multiple Agents


Usually there are multiple publish instances in CQ set up. CQ OOTB comes with only one replication agent set up.

Set up multiple publish agents:

  • First make sure that you have multiple publish instance set up. You can just use steps to start publish instance with different port number.
  • For example suppose your second publish instance running on port 4506.
  • Here is steps to set up second replication Agent.

Set up Second Replication Agent on author

The default Replication Agents are already setup for the publish running on the local machine on port

4503, for the second Publish instance it require that we create a new Replication Agent

1. Login the Site Administration of CQ5 on the author instance (port 4502 )

2. Open the Tools

3. Browse to the Replication > Agents on author in the tree panel

4. Create a Page using Replication Agent

5. Set the title with "Second Agent "

Set the Name with "publish2 "

Then click on Create

6. Shift +Double-click on the new agent "Second Agent " (this will open the configuration panel

in a new window or tab)

7. Click "Edit "

8. In Settings Panel

Check "Enabled "

Set Description with "Agent that replicates to the second publish instance" (optional)

Set Retry Delay with "60000 "

In Transport Panel

Set URI with "http://localhost:4506/bin/receive "

9. Click OK to save the settings

  • After second replication is set up, You can do following to test set up.

Test Multiple Replication Agent

1. Go back to the CQ5 Site Administration and open the Websites panel

2. Browse to the Geometrixx Demo Site > English > Products in the tree panel

3. Create a new page, set Title with "Sample Product"

Click Create

4. Open the new page with double-click

5. Add some text, image, any component you like on your page

6. In the floating Sidekick panel, Select the Page tab

Click Activate Page

Confirm the activation

Your page should now be accessible on both publish instances, simply check with the browser

Open the page http://localhost:4503/geometrixx/en/products/


Open the page http://localhost:4506/geometrixx/en/products/


You can also set up replication chain but this is beyond scope of this tutorial. More information about replication chain can be obtained from here