CQ Dispatcher IIS Set Up
CQ Dispatcher
Dispatcher IIS Set Up
Installing IIS:
Based on different version of windows there are different way to install IIS.
Please refer http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/iiiisin2.mspx to install IIS.
Install Dispatcher on IIS:
- Get dispatcher from Adobe. You can use Package Share to get dispatcher. More information can be obtained from here
- File name follow format dispatcher-<web-server>-<operating-system>-<dispatcher-version-number>.<file-format>
- For IIS dispatcher file name would be dispatcher-iis-<operating-system>-<dispatcher-release-number>.zip
- Zip file contains following files
- We will cover Installing Dispatcher on IIS 7.5
- First we have to add dispatcher to list of available ISAPI filter for that follow following steps.
- Using the Windows Explorer, create a directory <IIS_INSTALLDIR>/Scripts. for example, C:\Inetpub\Scripts.
- Extract all files from the scripts directory of the Dispatcher package into this directory:
- disp_iis.dll
- disp_iis.ini
- dispatcher.any
- disp_iis.pdb
- Configure Dispatcher INI file as follows
Configure Dispatcher INI for IIS
[main] scriptpath=/<virtual root>/disp_iis.dll configpath=<path to dispatcher.any> loglevel=1 servervariables=1
where :
An example configuration:
[main] scriptpath=/Scripts/disp_iis.dll configpath=C:\Inetpub\Scripts\dispatcher.any loglevel=1
- To add dispatcher to list of ISAPI filter. Perform following task
Configure ISAPI on IIS7.5 for CQ Dispatcher
To add the Dispatcher to the list of available ISAPI filters perform the following tasks.
Configure the Virtual Directory:
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select your site in the tree, then using the context menu (usually right mouse click) select Add Virtual Directory....
- Enter the alias Scripts and the physical path of the directory created above (C:\Inetpub\Scripts).
Register the ISAPI filter:
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select your site in the tree, then the tab Features View (at the bottom).
- Open the feature ISAPI Filters in the view.
- Click Add... and enter the following settings:
- Filter Name: CQ
- Executable: the path to disp_iis.dll (C:\Inetpub\Scripts)
- Click OK to save.
Register the ISAPI handler:
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select your site in the tree, then the tab Features View (at the bottom).
- Open the feature Handler Mappings in the view.
- Click Add Script Map... and enter the following settings:
- Request Path: /Scripts/disp_iis.dll
- Executable: the path to disp_iis.dll (C:\Inetpub\Scripts)
- Name: CQ
- Click OK to save.
- Open the feature Configuration Editor.
- Select the section system.webServer\handlers from Application.config.
- Select the first Collection (at the top), then click on ... (at the far right).
- The Collection Editor will appear, select the handler CQ (at the top).
- Change the value of the allowPathInfo flag (at the bottom) to true.
- Close the Collection Editor and click Apply.
Register the .json extension:
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select your site in the tree, then the tab Features View (at the bottom).
- Open the feature MIME Types in the view.
- Click Add... and enter the following settings:
- File name extension: .json
- MIME type: application/json
- Click OK to save.
IIS 7.5
If your site is not completely new it might contain the hidden segment bin. To remove this:
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select your site in the tree, then the tab Features View (at the bottom).
- Open the feature Request filtering in the view.
- Select the tab Hidden Segments.
- Remove the entry bin (if existing).
If you would like the dispatcher to write a log file instead of writing to the event log then do the following:
- First, configure a logging location in disp_iis.ini. Open the disp_iis.ini file for editing, this file is most likely stored under C:\inetpub\scripts\disp_iis.ini.
- Add the following value:
- logfile=C:\inetpub\logs\dispatcher\dispatcher.log
- Using Windows Explorer, go to C:\inetpub\logs directory.
- Create a directory named dispatcher
- Right click the dispatcher directory and select Properties in the contextual dialog
- Select the Security tab
- Click Edit
- Click Add
- Open Administrative Tools, then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- In the IIS Manager, browse down the tree and select the IIS site where you have configured the dispatcher. On the right side of the window, click Advanced Settings.
- Highlight and copy the value under Application Pool (copy by pressing [Ctrl]+c).
- Go back to the security Add dialog.
- In the editable box, enter IIS AppPool\ then paste the value from step 10. You should have entered something like this IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool.
- Click Check Names (this should cause the user id to be underlined).
- Click OK.
- For the newly added user, enable all access rights except Full Control.
- Click OK.