CQ Cluster Configuration

CQ Clustering

Clustering Configuration

Following OOTB Configuration is available in CQ:

  • Shared Nothing
  • Shared Datastore

Shared Nothing:

CQ OOTB Comes with shared nothing configuration. In this each Node in cluster has it's own version of datastore. In order to verify if clustering is enable in your instance go to /crx-quickstart/repository/repository.xml and make sure that following entry is there.


<DataStore class="com.day.crx.core.data.ClusterDataStore"/>


<Workspace name="${wsp.name}" simpleLocking="true">


<PersistenceManager class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarPersistenceManager"/>


<Journal class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarJournal"/>


Shared Datastore:

Datastore store large binary data in CQ. And in case you have huge repository and limited space, you can share datastore in CQ. In order to do that use "FileDataStore" configuration instead of "SharedDataStore". So your /crx-quickstart/repository/repository.xml will look like this


<DataStore class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.data.FileDataStore">

<param name="minRecordLength" value="4096"/>

<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/shared/datastore"/>


You can find configuration option in detail from here